Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS )
Indication for EUS
EUS is used to diagnose and stage cancer in the stomach, pancreas, distal bile duct and some times in the rectum. The ultrasound allows visualization of how deep the tumor extends and whether there are small lymph nodes around the tumor. providing a localized staging. EUS may also be used to see if there are stones in the common bile duct that requires removal endoscopically.
EUS is performed same as upper endoscopy when used to evaluate upper gastrointestinal tract. It will require sedation with anesthetics and preparation by fasting after midnight prior to procedure. When EUS is scheduled for rectal evaluation or colon evaluation, bowel prep with colonoscopy prep of flexible sigmoidoscopy may be ordered for the day prior to procedure. Sedation may or may not be used when EUS is done for rectal evaluation.